
Showing posts from 2011

Weaver's Guild sale 2011

Weaver's guild sale 2011 Originally uploaded by knittingkim A few awesome finds for the weekend. There were lots of lovely shawls, knitted items, and woven scarves. I decided on these fibers. They look fun to spin and wear.


Lately, I have been on a gifting frenzy. My husband's niece is having her first baby. A boy. What better gift than a baseball blanket. This was super easy. Two pieces of fleece with strip cut and tied around the edges. A dear friend of mine has too many things going on during the month of her birthday. Mindy loves Halloween and gardening like nobody's business. I also know she has a thing for art yarn, so I mixed the ideas and came up with a tomato garden. This was my first attempt at making a shadow box using art yarn. Note to self, ya only need a little. It's cute though, and Mindy likes it. Really, that all that matters. I have also been involved in a few swaps. I am in two blanket square exchanges. That is kinda fun. It's a great way for me to get my crochet groove on. Another swap that was all kinds of fun was the Potato Chip Scarf swap. I had the best swap partner ever. Interestingly our scarves are in the same color family. Go figure. It's always fun to ...

Visiting Wier Alpacas

Sunday Lawnguy and I took a small jaunt to Bellevue, IL. We got there a little humm 45 minutes early. The ranch is in the middle of a subdivision about 5 minutes for where I take Pepper to agility class. Anyhoo... The owner was just lovely. Even though we were so early she welcomed us with open arms and a tour around the place. First stop was the barn. Chickens a few, a rooster too, and one duck. Also, alpacas and llamas with their babies. Next, we hopped into the golf cart to go visit some of the girls in another pasture. We were armed with a bag of carrots. I went to give one to a pretty cocoa brown alpaca not knowing that you have to hold onto it tightly. Quickly I learned. Lawnguy learned another valuable lesson, alpacas spit if ignored when there are carrots involved. Yumm.. thanks! While we were out there, the owner yelled, "I have a new baby!" There in the center of several white alpacas was a newborn. She said that the baby had to have been born in the morni...

A Visit with the Harlot in a Church?

Ummm... Yeah. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee made her way to St. Louis last Saturday. The original venue was at a St. Louis Public library that would have been way to small. Fortunately, the church stepped up. An Episcopal Church on Euclid, just down the street from Left Bank Books, held their doors open wide. Stephanie is absolutely hilarious. I sat next to 7 letter Deborah extraordinaire in the second pew. That's poor Ava's head there front and center. It was good to out with some of the wonderful knitters in the St. Louis area who also believe that Stephanie is the icon for "it's normal to put yarn in the freezer." Well no, I have never had it come to that, but I think if it was necessary for the kids to know there is no room in the inn to return home to because mom's craft room is more important, I'm your girl. Wheelinsticks out!

Pepper's agility update

October 2011 001 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Pepper has been steadily eating away at the competition. This was from last Sunday. He earned three first place ribbons out of four for his weekend. This is Pepper title run for Open Standard. Now we're playing with the big boys!

Pretty Day

I can't beleive it. I can sit outside and not sweat just from breathing. I'm in my last week before starting up for meetings to get ready for the school year. I can't beleive how fast the summer went. Pepper did well on the agility trial in July. He managed to finsih his last leg for his Novice Standard title for my birthday. A first place to boot. He ran great everyday in the jumpers section. His Open standard run on Saturday was a little of color. Pepper has "stanger danger" in the worse way. He really struggled getting on any of the equipment. I actually had to change side and placing me between Pepper and the judge to get him to perform. Fortunately he redeemed himself on Sunday with his first leg in Open standards. We will take it. Of course that fills the rack that I have been using for his ribbons. Need to come up with a plan, and where we will actually keep the awards. Well mopre to come....

TdF day 13

TdF day 13 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Pretty, Pretty! Sock weight to boot.

Tour de fleece 2011

Tour de fleece 2011 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Yep, there's a butt load there. The greens and the cherry red are dyed and carded by me. I started on the cherry this week. More pics later this week.


Matchless Originally uploaded by knittingkim I finally have it. Well, actually I've had it for over a month, but I had to play with it for awhile. It's interesting, I thought I was a pretty decent spinner until I got my new wheel. Wow, take about an F on the first take out. I have finally learned the ins and outs of double drive, and plying on it. Now I just need to name it. More to come.

Weaving Update

No pics because I'm a dumb ass that can't remember to do pics before the gifting begins. I wove two bread cloth covers using a variegated brown for one and a blue for the other. I think these may become the stable for wedding shower gifts. They are quick, easy, and cheap to do, but a nice gift that is really usable. I also made a scarf out of a a linen/bamboo mix in a deep hot pink and a yarn called Little Flowers in a sparkly variegated tones of reds, pinks, and orange used to add a little flash. I wanted to make another of these for myself. Hopefully, pictures of that one.

Dyeabolical Feb Club

Dyeabolical Feb Club Originally uploaded by knittingkim This wasw just yummy to spin. I loved the play of the colors from the chocolately browns and golds to the deep purples. I'm hoping there is enough for a Brandywine shawl.

Pepper's Peanut

Peanut 2 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Umm... yeah. My name is Peanut. Mt dady's name is Pepper. I don't get to explore the house very much cuz' dad just wont let me out of his sight. Sigh....

Trianna Scarves

Trianna Scarves Originally uploaded by knittingkim I love this pattern! I rarely make the same pattern twice, more or less 2 in a couple of weeks. The colors are great, and its easy cheesy!

Cabled Sleeve

cable sleeve Originally uploaded by knittingkim I have a great start on the sweater that I am designing as I go. I love the deep texture of this cable. I'm about halfway up the first sleeve. I'm using Berocco's Vintage and size 7 needles. More to come.


I wasn't planning for a garden this year, but hubby surprised me with tilling up a large section of the yard for my garden. Then, he bought me my seeds. Coolness and goodness in every way. Again, he shows to be husband of year with supporting all my half-hazard plans. It took a few weeks to plant because of the rain and everything. Finally, one lovely Sunday, I planted. Then, we waited, and waited. Now we have some plants coming in. Since it was a late start with the rain and the fact that I started the seeds outside, it's not the blooming garden as of yet. I think I may need to replant a few things, but we'll see. I can keep all to dogs out of the garden except Pepper, who can jump the fencing or just walk through some parts since he is fairly skinny. As long as he eats the grass, its fine. Hopefully pictures to come later.

Have Your Oats Daily

Oats 2 Originally uploaded by knittingkim I finally finished my fleece to sweater for this year. There is nothing like taking a fleece and turning into a garment. It's especially fun when you know the sheep's name, in this case Shauna. This was Shauna's last fleece before she went over the rainbow. I love how it turned out. I had to redo the button bands and the replace the buttons because I tend to go to quickly when I am nearly finished with a project. The problem with that is I don't spend quality time making it the best it can be. It is much better since I reworked it. stats: pattern Oatmeal by Amy King rhomney wool - 1 3/4 pounds spun 3-ply worsted weight

Happy Easter!

Easter Scarf Originally uploaded by knittingkim

Dyeabolical Fiber Club Jan 2011

Dyeabolical Fiber Club Jan 2011 Originally uploaded by knittingkim I loved this from the day I got it. Lovely to spin. I couldn't put it down to stop spinning because I wanted to see the changes. Sparkly goodness. Thanks Rachel for a great color.

Look Ma' I can run!

Pepper Agility awards 4-11 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Yeah for Pepper. He had a great weekend at the trial. He got second in both jumpers and in standard agility. He won his last leg for his Novice Jumpers Title. That's the pretty black and gold one in the middle. Who would have thought shy boy would do so well.

Dyeabolical #107

Dyeabolical #107 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Love, love, love. Soft and squishy, 608 yards of fingerweight, Socks or shawl?

Getting My Fiber On

I went with my lamb loving friend Kara over to Illinois Sheep and Fiber Festival on Saturday. What a pretty day! Usually, when I go it's a little chilly, but not yesterday. Unfortunately, the number of vendors was down considerably. There was things to see, but I have seen most of the same people for the last three years. Don't get me wrong, it's still interesting. Anyhoo, I bought a couple of fleeces. One was an excellent find. A nice creamy white with very little vm. The other has a fair amount of vm, but the richness and crimp set my heart on fire. Lots of work to come over summer, but that's ok. I still enjoy it.


Sprout Originally uploaded by knittingkim I finished something green for spring. Now if I can my grass to sprout!

Selena's cashmere

Selena's cashmere Originally uploaded by knittingkim I have a dear freind that bought some cashmere while she was on vacation. She asked me to spin is it spun as fine as I could. What an adventure. FIrst, just touching this luxury was fantastic. When I first started to spin it, it was not easy. I knew enough about spinning very short fibers to know that I had to let go of some of natural position of control, and let the fiber do the work. I felt like it took forever and worried that it would not be enough yardage. I finally got it finished and off into the mail it went. Selena loves it. I hope she will enjoy knitting it as much as I enjoyed spinning it. info: 2-ply 608 yards 28 WIPS ratio: 14:1 soft, soft, soft


Isn't it lovely. Pure camel. Camel is interesting to spin. It's similar to alpaca in one way; it's heavy in weight, so I was disappointed in the yardage. It's slippery, but not like alpaca. I think alpaca is as slick as snot by itself. Still, it is pretty.

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Originally uploaded by knittingkim Sometimes it pays to up at 6 on the weekend. Today was one of them. The sky was just beautiful with lines of pinks and blues of every hue.

Superbowl Sunday

Yeah, I'll be awatchin'. The Packers are in and that makes it a shoe in for me to sit and root on my time. My dad would be rolling in his grave since a Packers fan he was not. As a kid I never understood the game, therefore, I asked too many questions before I got the "go to your room" speech. Its okay. I was never really offended. I still don't understand most of the calls, but at least I can follow the game. Of course game day is also known as, dinner in the crock pot and Kim crafting all day too. They sort of go together. Dinner is a throw together of chicken broth, great northern beans, potatoes, celery, carrots, onions, and a yellow pepper because it had to be used. Later I add in the ham otherwise the ham just get too dark looking and I don't want to eat it. Of course this brain storm might be a tried it, but never again, or delicious. Keep you posted on that note. On the crafting side, I have a pair of mittens that I'm sorting out. No real pattern, ...

Family Jewels clue 2

Family Jewels clue 2 Originally uploaded by knittingkim Twists and turns, Family Jewels clue 2 is finished. Let me tell ya. This is really pretty. Looks harder than it is. Just time consuming. Two at a time is the only way these babies would have a match.

Stormy Victoria

Stormy Victoria Originally uploaded by knittingkim She's done. Wow is it lovely. I wore it Monday to school. The fit is fantastic. I couldn't be more pleased.

Give Us Your Oats.....

Oatmeal sleeve Originally uploaded by knittingkim Of a sort any way. I finally starting knitting Shauna's fleece. I spun it up in the summer. So far it is knitting up pretty soft and very warm. I have a sleeve completed, and started the body. There is a small amount of cabling around the cuff of the sleeve and another round at the yoke. Knit in one piece once I get to the yoke, seamless, my best friend. I'm thinking some kind of dark, smokey buttons to dress it up, but that's for later.

mystery sock clue 1

mystery sock clue 1 Originally uploaded by knittingkim The first toe was not fun. I lost my place, dropped stitches, and other typical Kim behaviors. 20 rows should not take for ever, but leave it to me. Fortunately, the 2nd toe went much better. I like the pattern so far. It's challenging enough to hold my attention. Lots of twisted stitches along the toe. Friday the second clue comes out. Stay tuned.

It Can Only Happen to Buster

Did ya know a dog can break out in hives? Oh yeah, that was my night. Buster wouldn't settle down after we started the self-cleaning timer for the oven. My only thought was we would die in a fire since Buster was nearly going berserk. He kept walking from one spot to another, up in chair, down in the chair, back to the kitchen, etc. I was ready to strangle him when I looked at his side full of angry welt. Then I seen his poor face. Oh so sad. I knew it was hives since I use to break out with hives due to anxiety as a kid. Fortunately Benedyl has helped, but he still have the remnants today. The Internet site said that hives in dogs are caused by an acute allergy attack. The only thing that had changed in the last hour was the oven. I think it was the fumes that caused the reaction. The article continued with suggesting giving Benedyl and watching for other reactions. The hives are suppose to go away within 24 hours. Poor baby.

Good Day for Tea

I decided when I got home I wanted something warm to drink. My son gave me a tea infuser and a bunch of different teas to try. I don't pull it out often, but I think I need to rethink that idea. One of the flavors I have is Teavana's Rooibos Chai. It's delicious. Hmm... maybe I should pull out the tea more often....

An Aha! Moment

I am still working my way through Victoria. It's looking great so far. I am trying to work through the sleeves and that's when I hit a snag. Ugh, 2-at-a-time sounds great, everything should line up, and no 2nd sleeve syndrome. Problem is trying to make sure that I knit both sleeves before turning my work. I kept losing track and spent more time just fixing things then actually knitting. I continued to knit on just working on a sleeve at a time and then switching. That worked pretty well. After I finished the last increase on the one sleeve, I went back to do the last few on the 2nd sleeve. The problem then reared its ugly head again as I still had another increase and 8 rows to knit and both sleeve were the same length. Sigh, I fixed this by adding in the increase on both the right and wrong sides. I couldn't do it in one fell swoop because it's Moss stitch. Fine, fixed. Now that the knitting was so large I figured I could think of the two sleeve as one big piece. Aha! ...

A year in Reveiw

I thought I hadn't accomplished much this year, but not so. It seemed to be the year of hats. I knit 10 hats this year. Yes, I enjoy knitting hats. There quick and pleasing, plus they keep your ears warm. I also learned to weave. Oh my another slippery path. I'm not sure I will knit another long scarf when I can weave one in a fraction of the time. During the summer I made an incredible dent in my fiber stash. During the month of July alone, I spun over six miles of yarn. All and all, it was a good year.

First Weave of the New Year

I have a new kitchen table that I really like. The only problem is, it's white and white shows everything. I have had a set of place mats and runner with a Christmas theme on the table since we got it in November. Now that the decorations are down, I find myself in need of getting the place mats done. Tada!

Last Spin for 2010

Spinning December 2010 Originally uploaded by knittingkim This is it. The colorway if Flannel, and boy does this fit the bill. I'm planning to knit a big loopy cowl with this. I have 323 yards that I navajo plied so the colors stayed intact. Love, love, love this!

Happy New Year!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May all of your dreams and goals make it this year. For me, no goals. I'd rather live the year in here and now, living only for the moment. I think it's a good plan for this year.