
Showing posts from August, 2013

Then block 9

block 9 Originally uploaded by knittingkim As busy as this looks, it really went together fairly quickly. The longest part was the cutting. My skills have improved since I began this project too. I need to make block 10 over the weekend. Just a couple of days to the holiday weekend.

Two, two for the Price One!

dresses Originally uploaded by knittingkim Yep! Sewing is game on at my house. Simple little summer dresses just right for this very cool - um, not - weather.

Another Hitchhiker

IMG_1870 Originally uploaded by knittingkim I just love the Hitchhiker pattern. Not only is is easy, but it is so nicely shaped nearly anything goes. This one of my handspuns. The colors play together so nice. It reminds me of sunrise on a beach. I currently have 29 points and about half a skein left.

Bracelets in Minutes

bracelets Originally uploaded by knittingkim I loved making these. I just used memory wire and different sets of beads that were already strung into a pattern. No fuss is a plus!


firestorm Originally uploaded by knittingkim A lovely n-ply. This was a fast spin. I still have about a half an ounce left to ply. I think it will be a nice, warm set of mittens.

Another Hitchhiker

IMG_1870 Originally uploaded by knittingkim I love the Hitchhiker. The pattern is simple enough to knit anywhere. I think I have 22 points as of this afternoon. The yarn was spin by me. I cant remember the name, but I know it came from the lovely and talented Dyeabolical Yarns.