
Showing posts from January, 2014

Blue Moon Shawl

Blue Moon SHawl Originally uploaded by knittingkim I spun this yarn really early in my spinning. It has lots of shades of blue making wearable with many options. It turned out to be a really nice size. I tend to wear small and medium size shawls with the triangle in the front. This lays very nice and spruces up jeans and a jacket quite well.

Handspun Hitchhiker

Handspun Hitchhiker Originally uploaded by knittingkim Not the greatest shot of me, but hey I really wanted to get a photo of my hitchhiker.. I had around 500 yards of this lovely rainbow yarn that I spun ages ago. Of course I also started this in the summer. What can I say, sewing has been to most rewarding craft. No worries, it's not like the yarn moved away. More to come...

Dutch Windmill Block

I am so glad to be done this one. It turned out fine. I learned that there are other ways than doing it the way that was intended. I ended up gluing the little hearts into place and stitching it down. Once I decided to go that route, it fell into place easily. Since I am off for MLK day. I plan to start quilting this:

A Pig's Tail

Pig's Tail Originally uploaded by knittingkim Funny name for a block, huh? With this block I am caught up on my El's Kitchen Quilt. The block was first shown during the 30's in a ladies magazine of the time. I like the bright pastels that go with the 30's. I also love, I mean LOVE calico prints. Eventually this block with get put together in a summer quilt for either the guest room or our room depending on where it looks the best. Thursday will be the first quilt club of the New Year. Onward and upward.