Been Skinny Dippin' in the Frog Pond

Yes that's right the frog pond has been biting me most of the week. I swear there are days when everything I knit looks like, well not like it should. Ever had one of those weeks or months? I had to rip out and start completely over on the Mystery Stole. Yes, I did have a life line, but I life line can not save you if you have tangled up your knitting to the point that you can't rip it back NICELY! So dip one. I reknit the first clue and the second clue. They look hundred times better. Take a look. Clue One Clue Two Then there's the Lace Tee that I have been working on. The back was done a while ago. I decided I would knit the sleeve. Now due to the fact that I knew what the pattern was, well, I just started knitting the sleeve. Humm, the pattern seems different. Well I sure it fine, no need to look. I continued with that superior attitude until I had the completed sleeve. Well that went so quick I immediately cast on the second sleeve. Here's where the trouble begin...