Been Skinny Dippin' in the Frog Pond

Yes that's right the frog pond has been biting me most of the week. I swear there are days when everything I knit looks like, well not like it should. Ever had one of those weeks or months? I had to rip out and start completely over on the Mystery Stole. Yes, I did have a life line, but I life line can not save you if you have tangled up your knitting to the point that you can't rip it back NICELY! So dip one. I reknit the first clue and the second clue. They look hundred times better. Take a look.

Clue One

Clue Two

Then there's the Lace Tee that I have been working on. The back was done a while ago. I decided I would knit the sleeve. Now due to the fact that I knew what the pattern was, well, I just started knitting the sleeve. Humm, the pattern seems different. Well I sure it fine, no need to look. I continued with that superior attitude until I had the completed sleeve. Well that went so quick I immediately cast on the second sleeve. Here's where the trouble begins. This time I started with the pattern A. Oh, there is a 4 line repeat, not two. Oh no! I continued t work on the sleeve knowing full well that the beautiful one that was finished needed a trip to the pond. Try as I might the whole time I knitting, I'm thinking oh it won't show. If people notice, well there standing in my personal bubble. Mind that personal bubble would need to be about a mile wide to miss the fact that the one sleeve was knit in the Fan pattern and the other in the pretty Vine pattern that the back was also in. Dip two for me, and three, and believe it or not four before my brain decide that while knitting is a process, there is also suppose to be a finish product somewhere in there.

Here's close up of the vine pattern at the bottom edge

I'm off the a good start on the rest of the non froggin' incidents and hopefully no more skinny dippin' for a long time. What about you, ever feel like your learned how to knit from the frog pond?


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