Happy New Year and Year end Wrap up!

It's been an interesting year. Lawn Guy is finishing up the end of grass cutting season. He actually had to cut 3 yarns on Thursday! Amazing! Each year is a little less snow time and a lot more time in the yards. This is not a bad thing at all! I can't believe that we are just a few days from the end of the year. Overall the holidays were great. The family bought Lawn Guy's Mom a ticket to visit her sister in Chicago. I hope she has a very nice visit. Christmas was great! Lawn Guy always spoils me. Each time he went to the store, he would come back with something else. I have the first 2 books of the Dark Tower series. He decides to get the rest of the series for me. Unfortunately, he does navigate online stores very well, and managed to buy extra copies of 2 of the books. Luckily, Barnes and Noble took the books at the store as an exchange. Here's some pictures from Christmas at our house:

This is my bunny!!!

Charlie thinks he weighs 5 pounds - NOT!!!

Charlie hates squirrels. We thought we would make him happy. Unfortunately, Charlie is very rough on toys. He had this torn up by Thursday night.

Here's what I have left on needles for the finishing up of 2007. The Persephone Scarf is so fun to knit. I have made a few mistakes, but the cables actually hide them pretty well. I have a little over 3 feet right now. I want it long enough to double over and pull the end through, so the right side shows on both sides.

Next, I started a pair of generic top-down socks. They are turning out nice. The colors will go with anything.

I finished Lawn Guy's Felted Clogs. They are easy to knit, but they took quite awhile to felt. Wool Pak felts faster than Cascade. Next pair I make, I won't mix these together again.

See you next year!!!


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