I am finally calling UNCLE on my Kauni Sweater. No, the pattern is easy to do. I love color work, but I have made too many half-ass mistakes to feel like it will do. I put it on today, and I just don't like the way it fits. The mistake in the steek is driving me bonkers - that's a pretty short drive! Also, I am not sure that the fit is anywhere near fixable. The back does not lay flat either, so I quit! Quit! I'll try again, but not for awhile. Life will go on. I should have tried to do something small with steeks to start. Oh well, I did learn a lot and have a better handle on the steeks, especially cutting. I have been spinning again. Gosh am I rusty! I have enough of the Shetland to ply together, but I want to try Navajo plying (here we go again!!). I think I will use the yarn I just made for that because it is not very good anyway. A new year brings new plans. I have a lot of yarn in my stash and lots of ideas for projects. Some of us feel that we have way too much yarn...