I Tried and Tried - I Quit! New Resolutions to Boot!

I am finally calling UNCLE on my Kauni Sweater. No, the pattern is easy to do. I love color work, but I have made too many half-ass mistakes to feel like it will do. I put it on today, and I just don't like the way it fits. The mistake in the steek is driving me bonkers - that's a pretty short drive! Also, I am not sure that the fit is anywhere near fixable. The back does not lay flat either, so I quit! Quit! I'll try again, but not for awhile. Life will go on. I should have tried to do something small with steeks to start. Oh well, I did learn a lot and have a better handle on the steeks, especially cutting.

I have been spinning again. Gosh am I rusty! I have enough of the Shetland to ply together, but I want to try Navajo plying (here we go again!!). I think I will use the yarn I just made for that because it is not very good anyway.

A new year brings new plans. I have a lot of yarn in my stash and lots of ideas for projects. Some of us feel that we have way too much yarn and decided that a yarn diet is the way to gain some control. I am really excited because I love the yarns I have, or I would not have purchased them. Well, there are somethings that fall under the category of I gotta have, but not sure why I jumped off that bridge! Anyway, to start the year, I have 3 things that I want to get done or start including a secret project for later. Actually, that is probably the first one to try and finish.

1. Secret project
2. Generic Socks
3. Hemlock Ring Blanket
4. Neck Warmer

Yarn Diet:

Dates: 1/1/08 to Stitches Midwest (August 2008)
Participants: Kim, Kara, Kathy, Mindy

Da Rules:
1. Needles/accessories/tools are ok.
2. You can purchase yarn to finish a project if you run out.
3. Roving/fiber does not count.
4. Gift yarn is okay (to give and receive).
5. You are allowed to purchase up to 3 knitting-related books.
6. Magazines don't count.
7. Trading yarn in the group is okay.
8. Kim's exceptions - can buy yarn for 2 baby gifts and a wedding gift.

The rewards and punishments:
For each week that you don't buy yarn, put aside money to spend at Stitches (i.e. $5).
If you buy yarn, you must take money out of your Stitches fund equal to the amount spent on yarn and donate that to a charity of your choice.
At the end of the diet, the money left in the fund can be spent at Stitches Midwest.

Sounds like a good plan to me. Oh, we also get to pay ourselves a few dollars for finished projects, too!

In addition to the fiber plans. I have few more plans that I want to try to work on this year. Here they are:

1. Work on my sewing techniques by making 2 outfits that fit well
2. Spin more fiber
3. Loose 25 pounds (I need to loose more, but this is a realistic goal)
4. Save more money (Not sure how?!)
5. Get Michael into something - anything!!!!!
6. Use my PDA to get more organized
7. Use less sick days n(i.e. just cause it's going to be crappy day, go to work 'cause there are no subs anyway!!)

I know the goals a hefty, but I think they are achievable! I'll keep you updated as the year goes along! What goals did you set this year?


Annie said…
But we can fix her!!

I need you to come and make resolutions for me. Yours are good.

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