Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm a little slow on the uptake today. I have a cold and it is definitely getting worse. Why is it when one has a vacation,i.e. Spring Break, one has to come down with something? Well at least I can get some rest and hopefully kick out quickly.

So yesterday a couple of friends,craftyandcrap and starmonkeybrass came over for a St. Patty's dinner and knitting fun. We had a great time!

I have been knitting, but not getting things finished yet. I have the Teal Me sweater down to the last 1/2 of a sleeve. Then, because I'm an idiot I have to darn almost every purl increase in the top portion of the sweater because I increased improperly causing holes in about half of the increases. That's okay thought because it won't show when its finished.

The Clapote is about half way. It is fun dropping stitches. I like the construction of the scarf because it is fun to see how one slight maneuver changes the shape of the whole thing.

The poor socks that have sat in the bag and nearly forgotten have also received some attention. Not much because I am just not interested in socks lately. Anyway pics to come soon.


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