Gardening Day

Lawn Guy and I went out to brunch with a few of my knitting friends and their fellas. I think he might have been a little bored, but the rest of us had a good time. The whole weekend has been centered around hanging out with friends and just enjoying good company. I can't tell you how nice it is to have a good group of friends. Hubby and I are in the middle of changing out friendships, not because we want to, it more because our children are nearly grown and we are finding ourselves in that age of almost, but not quite - empty nest. The kids are still here, but son is in limbo between deciding to be an adult and going back to being a kid. Needless to say, he's my Peter Pan. Dear Daughter, on the other hand, is growing up and is two weeks from high school graduation. She staying here for at least the first year of college. I don't think she is ready to go away yet. She will do well either way.

We went to Bayer's Nursery to pick up some flowers and different veggies to plant. While we were there, we spent some time watching the moms and little ones and giggling to ourselves about how helpful young children can be. I spent a good portion of the day planting. I always end up going overboard on what I think will fit in the number of pots that I have. I just bought marigolds and petunias for the pots. I had to go back and buy another pot in order to fit everything in.

Then hubby dug up a spot for the garden. I planted 2 types of tomatoes, yellow squash, cauliflower, green peppers, spinach, and eggplant. I have no idea how to cook eggplant, so send help!


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