Yard Work is Going to Kill Me

This whole week has been nothing but redoing and finishing. Lawn Guy comes home Monday (last week) with a truck load of dirt that we shoveled out onto our huge hill that is never quite right. Tuesday we lay sod over almost the entire front yard. So watering night and day because he** its hot and if it all dies I am so not going to be happy.
Sunday Lawn Guy's esteem friend comes over to help putting the shed together. I start on redoing the blocked area where the fire place sits. They get started digging out the area for the shed. I make lunch, dinner, and finish the blocks. What did they finish? Not much! I swear guys spend more time jawing when they get together. At the end of the day, the flooring is the only thing done. I am so not pleased. This the last spot in the yard to be completed. Its hot and I feel like we're spinning our wheels. Today, Lawn Guy, DS, and I put the shed together. It took all day, but the yard is done. No place for the puppies to get out and another spot to put more crap. Like I don't have enough. With all this stuff done, things have to get better.


Annie said…
Yikes! Yard work? It's hot as blazes out there! You'll keel over! This stress is giving me punctuation issues!

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