Handspun Leftovers Part 1

Ravelympics is half way over. I can't believe how many people are finished with their projects. I am very pleased with the way this vest is turning out. This is my first attempt of doing a fairly big project with my hand spun. The blue is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes and the variegated is my handspun in the colorway Dog River. The colors work so well together and overall the vest looks good to me. I still need to pick up stitches for the v-neck and the sleeves, but that won't take much time to do. I sat down yesterday after I finished the left side front and wove the ends in. I do say I am glad I did it then because there were a lot of ends! Hopefully, I can have pictures of the completed version all washed and blocked by the end of the week.


CraftyGryphon said…
I'm *maybe* gonna finish one pair of Ravelympics socks - everything else will be a WIP that shoudl've been done years ago. I've already determined that the laceweight shawl is *not* going to be finished in five days.

I don't know how some of the laceweight longjump people are finishing these *huge* shawls. I wish I could knit lace that fast!

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