A Little of This and a Little of That

I actually was able to play with my fiber for a part of my weekend. After last weekend of cleaning, the only thing I wanted to clean was my spinning wheel. So, Molly got a nice hub down and some new oil. A couple of weeks ago some friends and I got together for an evening of dinning and dyeing. Kathy let me spin up her fiber after the day. I just finished it up this weekend. It's just lovely. It's fun to just spin for the color once and a while and this turned out amazing! Hopefully she will have enough yarn to make a nice hat.

Next, I spent a little time getting started on my spin for a sweater kal. This is really going to be nice. I love the way natural colored fleece looks when it's done up. I have only spun about an ounce and I have way more to go.

Finally, I found a nice shawl pattern to use for my Violets. Everyone keeps telling how much this looks like Noro, and low and behold I found the Simple, yet Effective shawl. This will be a quick knit, and I think the colors are stunning. I started it on Sunday and I have a good start. How was your weekend? Do anything fiberly fun?


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