Catching Up

I love three day weekends! The kids at school just do't know how to enjoy them. One of my students said that all he did was play games online. My co-teacher and I told him he was being anti-social. He said, "But I talk to others online." We still said it was being anti-social. Interestingly enough he was not the only one to say he spent most of his time playing games on line. It's not a wonder why we have so many people out there that can't get along with others. Go outside, and at least meet up with friends sometimes.

Of course I did rescue him because frankly I did nearly the same thing. Friday we went to the store. We had to take DD car because mine is still in the shop - I think hell just might freeze over before I get it back, but I digress. Three grocery stores and not enough room in a teenager's car for three adults, her crap, and groceries. ugh! Anyway, made it home, made dinner in record speed, and sat down to the live among books, needles, and my spinning wheel. AHHHH! Relaxation is the best after the last week that I had. It's February and that means lots of meetings and lots of sitting down writing several very long reports. One of them was 29 pages total - sheesh that's a lot. So, I needed a long weekend to recuperate a little.

I finished a pair of mitts for a friend at work. Yeah they fit! Her hands are a little bigger than mine, so I wasn't sure how they would fit. She loves them!

I also ripped out the lace scarf that I was making. Ya know ya need to when you keep looking at it and not knitting on it. I pulled it out because the yarn is lovely,and started an Entrelac scarf. Oh is this better! So pretty! I worked on Lawn Guy's sweater, too. It's coming along, but it feels like it is at a snail's pace.

On the spinning front, just a little. I have this fantastic fiber that I am spinning. It's organic merino and oh my is it soft! It nearly spins itself. I separated the colors where it divided from very earthy tones to the more purples, blues, and whites. I will ply them together when I get done spinning them.

I also spent some time reading. Finish one and read another. Quick reads! All this makes for a cozy holiday weekend.


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