Finito my Binito!

Hey! I actually have a couple of finished projects to share. I started a pair of socks about a month ago that I spun and knit toe up. I love how they turned out! The colors are beautiful and over all the spinning is really consistent. They still need a good dunking before they will be ready for fall, but here they are!

Look at that short row heel!

Also, my closest friend at work is having a baby girl. She is due on Tuesday, but I don't think she go that long. This past week has been difficult for her, and yesterday was her last day. I thought we would both start crying because it's literally the last day we worked together since I'm moving schools in the fall. No one likes change, and it is even harder when we have been working together for 6 years. Sigh! Hopefully some people will retire next year and I can come back. Anyway, I made the February Lady's baby version for her. The buttons set it off nicely.


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