One Room Done

The guys finished the carpet in the office today. Moving commenced directly after. Since our house is so small, everything had to be moved out to start the floor in the living room. Fortunately, nearly everything that was in there was headed to the office. Oh my did I clean. Everything was full of dust and needed to be wiped down including any cords to the computers. I spent five hours cleaning and arranging the space.

The only thing that I am upset with is the carpet. I'll live with it, but I wanted charcoal grey. It looked like charcoal in the store light. I said something about being happy to find a dark gray. Obviously, the store personnel said nothing about the color. Hmmm, color blind eh? However, at home, in the room, it's nice shade of some kinda blue. Ugh! It doesn't look bad, but it's just not what I expected.

We still have some touch up areas and trim on one door to do, but basically it's done. We have the his and her theme going on.

Lawn Guy needs a real desk.

My side looks good though.

The book shelves show our interest. LG, baseball and car collect. Me, well, a tea set from Grandma S, and wine glasses that are over a hundred years old from Grandma J. There use to be eight in the set, but over the years there have been losses. Needless to say, we don't ever use them because the last two shattered in people's hands. I also have my Mother's jewelry boxes, and of course some fibery goodness.

Oh and the puppies, have a new friend.


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