Last Knit for 2009
This is the last item to be completed for the year. I really love these. My handspun to start with. I love how the colorway's colors played out. The pattern is absolutely masterful. Quick and easy and the hem edging was not only easy, but because of the design element you can't see the hem at all. It looks like a herringbone trim on the inside. Fabulous! 
I am slogging my way through a new sweater for Lawn Guy. He picked out the pattern which I love. It's called Beagle. So far, so good. I am using cascade eco wool since husband wants this for shoveling snow; I want it to be plenty thick. Believe me it is. I am knitting this little number of 7's! Sleeves are finished, and the ribbing is done. I did convert the pattern to in the
round and plan to steek the sleeves. I may also need to go down to 6's when I start the top since it's all Moss stitch. Time with tell. There is a lot of knitting to do between now and then.
I am slogging my way through a new sweater for Lawn Guy. He picked out the pattern which I love. It's called Beagle. So far, so good. I am using cascade eco wool since husband wants this for shoveling snow; I want it to be plenty thick. Believe me it is. I am knitting this little number of 7's! Sleeves are finished, and the ribbing is done. I did convert the pattern to in the