Use What You've Got

Use what you've got its going to be my theme this year. I have a lot of things that can or should be used. For example, I have library only a few blocks from home, and I just don't use it like I should. So instead of goals that I fail miserably at I thought I would change my perception of life. Here's a list of ideas that follow my thinking on the theme:
1. recyclable bags at the store - have them, put them in the car
2. eat "real" meals at home - plan and follow better. Have personal recipes, cookbook, and there is always the internet.
3. work out and get healthy - joined Spark Bootcamp and will be doing couch to 5K. I want to run this summer for breast cancer.
4. stash - ugly picture. I have lots of pretty yarns to use. Again use it. This doesn't mean I want buy yarn cuz that's a lie, maybe just enhancement. If I buy it it must go on needles with a project in mind by the end of the week.
5. fleece - I love using fleece from scratch. Have drum carder, spinning wheel, and needles - um check.
6. debt - yeah, working on it, but I would like to clear out two of these.
I think that's all that has been swirling around in my brain. Its a livable plan.


CraftyGryphon said…
I've got a lot of the same goals - use what I have, spend less eating out/more on things I can cook, start Couch to 5K.

Of course, that last one may wait until the "above freezing" mornings. I don't have an indoor track nearby (that I know of).

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