Creating items from a wheel and very pointy sticks....
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3-ply DK weight after it plumped up. 278 yards. This is Lupine by Mountain Colors. Kara gave it to me as a birthday gift a couple of years ago. This really turned out pretty.
That's kind of where I am in my knitting recently. I have spent a lot of time spinning lately and definitely not as much knitting. I would love to say I am a process kinda girl, but that would be a lie and lightening will strike! I do love the process, but I like the finished version much better. I have a hard time when I get near the end of any project knitting or spinning and I just want to see what it is really going to look like. Right now I have two things on my needles that are in that spot. One more so than the other because its a sock and its the second one. I had about 3 inches completed on Sunday and as of now the heel is turned and the gusset stitches are almost done. The other is a stole that I am working on for a dear couple's wedding. The wedding is not until October, but the pattern is so pretty I just keep knitting and knitting. I am half way done with it. Its turning out lovely, but I want to finish it before school starts up and life becomes busy again. I have...
A few of my dear friends, Kara, Kathy, Carrie,Mindy, and Shannon and hubby got together with my family for celebrating my birthday. We went to Brazie's literally right up the street from my house for dinner. None of us had been there before so we were not sure what the food was like. We were a little surprised at how fancy the place was. Of course we had to make fun of the hostess' tasteless outfit of way to short shorts and high heels. She did not fit the rest of the atmosphere at all. Of course we decided that she would if she had on longer shorts. Of course the poking fun continued when one of the bus boys just happened to go to school with both of my kids. He asked DS what he was doing and , son replied "not much of anything". Lawn Guy made some kind of noise and I thought I should crawl under the table as I looked around at my all to knowing friends and our own rolling of the eyes and giggling. Unfortunately, DS doesn't get life, but hey, he's moving out ...
I wanted to let you and EVERYONE WHO READS MY BLOG AND SEES YOUR NAME - DO NOT OPEN COMMENT!! For some reason there seems to be a virus attached to it! I can't imagine just what I or any others have done to bother you so. Maybe your a hater of the fiber arts? Well if this is the case, then don't read the blogs that include that kind of love. For you fiber related friends, again I must repeat don't open anything that says Gardagami for the blog name.