A Warmer for Your Cup?

cup warmer close up

Yep, still in the holiday knitting chaos. This is the last of the knitted items for my pals at work. I found this wonderful, easy pattern on Ravelry last week. I started these on Saturday. The first one was way too big for the cup size that I had, so on to modifying. Also, an easy fix for the pattern. I modified the pattern's stitch count from 80 to 64, and it worked out wonderfully. I knit 3 more by the end of Sunday, finished another on Monday, today I finished the last one. Then, I had to sew on the buttons, add the i-cord band, and steam them into place. Check!

Cup warmers

All in all, I made 10 gifts for work. I still have a scarf, a table runner, and 3-4 other gifts to finish before I can call it done. How many more days?!? Gotta get movin'!


Those are very nice. Lucky co-workers.
Ann Konzen said…
I wasn't reading blogs or blogging in Dec. so I missed these. Too cute...

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