Happy New Year!

I hope everyone found a nice little place to visit and relax over the holidays. I did! I spent most of my winter break in my jammies getting crafty. I finished spinning up salad greens for a whooping 1950 yards of 3-ply heavy worsted weight. I need to do a little swatching to find out which sweater it will become. I'm shooting for Reinbeck or Flying Dales out of the book A Fine Fleece. I have plenty of yardage for each sweater, and the gauges are different on the sweaters. Time will tell. Salad Greens I also finished and blocked a Boneyard shawl. It's huge. The wingspan is a touch over 60 inches and the depth is 30 inches. I wore it the over day. It's perfect. Right now I am spinning my first yarn of the year. It's a blend of Cormo and Angora in a natural shade of Dove grey. I have no idea what it will become since I plan to n-ply it, and I think there is around 2 ounces in the bag. I spun the first half this morning. On the needles, I am finishing a pair of fingerless mitts out of handspun in greens with a mix of creamy browns, and a Milk Run shawl out of handspun. Well, that's all for now. More to come later.


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