TdF 2012 recap

TdF 2012 recap
Originally uploaded by knittingkim
The tour ends, but not without its bumps and crashes. Tacs on the road and acusations of doping has left a black cloud over the tour for me. I think it is scandalous the way people act just because of a race. Really? Get real. I go to work and live my life with all the typical stresses of life, they should, too.

Okay, off the soapbox and on to the spinning. Oh the spinning we have have this year. I have a great fiber stash. My original intention was to spin for a sweater that I planned to knit during Ravellencis - another don't get me started topic. Well, I didn't get the fiber through the drumcarder in time. Frankly, I just couldn't make all that happen with moving just before the start of the tour. It's okay, I have plenty.

Anyhoo, I spun a total of 2 pounds 6 ounces with a whopping total of 3355 yards. The types range from 2-ply lace, second from the left, all the way to aran weight, first one on the left.

I am very proud of my spinning. The challenge was the camel silk blend. I did very well with that baby. I probably need to get another 2 ounces to spin for later because that stuff is like butter. I have 300 yards currently. Maybe there is a project out there for it. If you know of one share it!

Bye for now!


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