Celtic Soltice Mystery Begins!

Yes, it's that time of year again. This is my second Bonnie Hunter Mystery. I can't believe I have been quilting for a year now. The color choice is right up my alley. I love the idea of an Irish themed quilt since I'm half Iris; it really pulls on the heart strings.

My color choices are close to the color chips Bonnie recommended.

I started cutting yesterday. Lots of cutting. I am making the smaller version of the quilt. I still had a ton to cut. No worries though. My accuracy has greatly improved in a year. I had 92 Orange and 96 Neutral triangles and 188 pairs of blue wings to add to it. I really struggled getting started. My machine decided that eating fabric was a great game. Also, my quarter inch was way off. I couldn't figure out why.

 That's when I remembered I switched my needle to a thicker size for a jacket that I made on Friday. Duh! No wonder it was a fat quarter. I also took the needle plate off. Yuck! Disgusting. There was so much crap down there. My feed dogs where completely covered with dust, fuzz, and sticky goo.

Now were sewing......


Andee said…
Clue one is looking good!

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