Can I get a Knit?.....

Why yes you can! Well finally anyway. I have spent soooo much time quilting recently that I haven't had much time for knitting. However, I pulled out some of my hand spun yarns for a co-worker. She wanted some mittens. So I brought a huge bag full of yarns and let Kim have at it. She has great taste by the way sine she's a Kim too.

I had a little issue getting started. Finding the right needle to great a nice wearing fabric can be a bit of a challenge. I usually knit on a 5 or a 7, but these babies needed a 4. Now that's an issue. I have tons of 5's, 6's, 7's, and plenty of other sizes, but 4's... I have ONE set of circulars. That's it, no double points either. I kept looking and looking. Finally, I pulled up my big girl pants and got on it. When I got to the thumbs a went a size larger cuz I tend to make thumbs a little too tight.

Worked like a charm....


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