Slow Sunday Stitching

Sunday is usually the day for just slowing down, doing what I want, and hanging at home. The weather has definitely moved into fall. Friday night was well into the low 30's. I put the heavier quilt on the bed for Highway man to complain that we didn't need it. Yeah ok hon. He woke up before on Saturday and needless to say, he turned the heat on.

Slow stitching resulted in a ring around one flower while watching the Patriot / Bengals game. Lots of flags all night.

I also Highwayman bound quilt together. I need to add the grey border. I am so happy with the look if this. It has this Americana feel to it, It's plenty big and will do nicely in the truck for hubby. 

Picture with the intended border.

Quilting  out....


Ellen said…
Your hexies are cute but I really do love your Highwayman quilt.

We haven't turned on our heat yet...
Debbie said…
LOVE your hexies & you Highwayman quilt is gorgeous. Our heat is one here in NE Ohio, too. Winter depresses I can't wait for SPRING again!

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