A Fresh Start

Happy New Year! 2014 is over and gone. Now to recover. The last couple of years have been very hard for my hubby and I. Two Christmases ago, he fell out of his truck mangling his knee. That took almost a year resolve. Last year, a severe reaction to a pneumonia vaccine caused him to lose the use of his right arm for almost two months. Thank God for physical therapy. Finally, he is mostly well and working again. He is taking on a new start by going out on the road with another good friend as independents. I am truly excited for him to get this started. It's been in the making for months, and we are the uphill road to recovery.

Additionally, I am making changes, too. Not as much as the hubby, but a real challenge for me. I seriously need to lose weight. Problem, I hate exercise. I have the ability, just not the desire. However, changes need to be made. I am targeting to eat healthier by eating more veggies and fruits. As well as getting on the treadmill daily.

As far as crafts go, I have been neglectful of anything other than quilting for a good year. Time for a change. I spent my Christmas break spinning for a sweater. It is done. Now I need a good pattern to match it. I also made a slouchy hat and taught my neighbor to knit. Not bad, I think.  So, for this year, I want to make a pair of mittens, knit some charity hats, make three sweaters, a couple of cowls, spin for another sweater, and make some skirts.

All of this is doable; I just need to start fresh. More to come....


CindyCindy said…
I'm so glad your husband is doing so much better. It had to be grueling for a while. And, your list is an ambitious one. You go, grrl!

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