Digging into February

Can you believe we have a month of 2017 under our belt already! I am really starting to hit the age where time flies. Gosh, if I could give a penny for every time I thought the day would never end as a kid. Anybody hear the choir a'preachin? It's one of the amazement that I see daily for kids. I realize that they can't see the importance of cherishing what you have at the moment and live for the moment. I sure do now though. Of course being in charge of myself does have its bonuses!!

Anyhoo, I have quite the month. I have two friends that I need to make some baby items for. One is a girl to be named Violet. Doesn't that just scream for something in the pinky - violet tones? The other is a boy, and the baby room's theme is Dr. Suess. I know I want to make at least one quilt, but really should do two. I might even just do a fleece back since fleece is super cheap now. Hmmmm. ideas... ideas.

Next, I want to get a one of my flimsies made into a quilt. I participated in Bonnie Hunter's leaders and enders challenge for lozenges a couple of years ago. The top has been completed for a really long time. I think its time for it to be my OMG project for February. I don't care for the bigger blocks that I used to make it longer, so I need to rethink that. I am thinking I might just do a 2 inch border in the gold and then do the binding in the navy.

Like I said, digging out, but in a fun way!

Linking up for One Monthly Goal over here at Elm Street Quilts. Check out what everyone else is up to. Be inspired and go quilt something!!


Patty said…
Great quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

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