Putting Down the Pedal

Hey, it's only been a year! Seems like life just goes and I never seem to catch up. I have been fighting a bug a month since the school year started. This time, steroids plus another antibiotic. I swear if this doesn't do it I can imagine what's next. Anyhoo, sleeping is a chore with the drugs. So far, it's better today. My heart isn't racing at least. Will see how I sleep.

Besides moaning about sickness, yesterday and today I have spent a great amount of time in the craft room sewing. Yeah!! I finished one flimsy that was a club challenge that will turn into a nice size lap quilt.

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The other has been in a holding pattern for almost a year. I finally covered some corners that didn'y line up with flowers and added the borders. I have about 4 inches of the last border to add when I ran out of fabric. Crossing fingers that I can find a bit more if not there will probably be a surprise block on the corner. Maybe make it the quilt tag, hmm,, there might be an idea in there.

Image may contain: indoor


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