Fiber Weekend

So first off, I went to my second spin class. It was very frustrating at first. I could not keep the wheel wheel going. I actually switched wheels to a double treadle and was finally able to get it going after about two hours. I get to keep the wheel for 2 weeks and really get a chance to learn how to use it. I am one of those obsessive / compulsive types that have to learn something right away. I spent most of Saturday spinning. In fact, I had to go and buy some more roving just so I can have enough to practice. Plus, I wanted something with a little color to it. Here's picture of the variegated yarn that I bought. It's mainly purple and white.

Here's what it should look like when its plied together.
I think its not too bad considering its only one day of practice. Now I have to talk Lawn guy into buying me a wheel for Christmas. Right now I am trying out an Ashford Kiwi and I really like it. I also like the style of the Traveller, but I have not tried one out.

Second and third, I finished the So Called Scarf. I really like the way the pattern shows up. I used Malibrigo Pogoda.

The other is a matching hat. I used the basis of Kim's hats from Last Minute Gifts, but I added some eyelet rows every three round and staggered the yarn overs so the pattern kind of waves. It was quick and easy to do.

Also, I took the Waving Lace socks out of "time out" today. I finished the 1/2 repeat that I missed on the leg, finished the heel and the heel turn. Now I have to finish the gusset and the toe before I can say wha - la! How's was your fiber weekend?


Annie said…
Yay on the spinning! It looks great. Frustrating at first, I guess, but worth it. See you Wed?

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