Turkey Day Update
I love turkey day. Mainly because after the prep is done most of the work is done. This leaves time to watch football and knit. I like the Packers and they won today. Boring game to watch, but they are having a good season. Thanksgiving reminds me of Thanksgiving as a child. My parents tried very hard to get both sides of the family together for Thanksgiving. This was not an easy feat, but some how it always worked. The men in the living room watching the game, and the women chitchatting in the kitchen while dinner cooked. I have great memories of those times. I miss my family greatly around the holidays because they are all gone now. I just have my kids and my husband's family.
Since knitting has become my favorite hobby, and I have been working on learning how to spin my own yarn, I really have spent a lot of time just working on different projects. My dear friend Kathy said that I am knitting really fast. I have gotten a few little things done over the past few weeks. The projects have been quick knits. Today I finally finished the Waving Lace socks. They turned out pretty good. I could have made the toe on the 2nd sock a little longer, but the sock looked bigger then the first one when I started on the toe. They are a little wonky, but no one will see the toes and they fit nicely.

I also have been working on my Kauni Rainbow Cardi. I finally reached the armholes on Wednesday. Now I have another 7 cm til' I reach the front steek. I'll need to stop there until Wednesday because I am not sure of the directions for the front. Hopefully Annie will be there and can guide me. I also worked on the Persphone Scarf. It's a little less then two feet. Lawn guy and I are leaving for the weekend, so I need to decide on a pair socks to cast on. Ah! decisions, decisions!!
How was your turkey day? Did you have time to knit?
Since knitting has become my favorite hobby, and I have been working on learning how to spin my own yarn, I really have spent a lot of time just working on different projects. My dear friend Kathy said that I am knitting really fast. I have gotten a few little things done over the past few weeks. The projects have been quick knits. Today I finally finished the Waving Lace socks. They turned out pretty good. I could have made the toe on the 2nd sock a little longer, but the sock looked bigger then the first one when I started on the toe. They are a little wonky, but no one will see the toes and they fit nicely.
I also have been working on my Kauni Rainbow Cardi. I finally reached the armholes on Wednesday. Now I have another 7 cm til' I reach the front steek. I'll need to stop there until Wednesday because I am not sure of the directions for the front. Hopefully Annie will be there and can guide me. I also worked on the Persphone Scarf. It's a little less then two feet. Lawn guy and I are leaving for the weekend, so I need to decide on a pair socks to cast on. Ah! decisions, decisions!!
How was your turkey day? Did you have time to knit?
Maybe I can help you over email, but I do hope to be there...