Checking In
Okay its just hot. Why is it that in St. Louis the whether changes so drastically. I have been piddling around the house. The privacy fence is coming along nicely. The shed on the other hand not so well. The area that we have will only fit a shed that is the size of 6 x 8 or 6 x 6. You would think that finding a metal shed would be simple. Ah, not so much, we are still looking. We can adjust if needed but means redoing a couple of posts that are already in the ground and fencing that we have already hung too. Surprisingly the dogs are handling the orange mesh fence in the back very well. They don't jump on it like we thought they would, so that's a plus. Here let me distract you with pics of the babies.

On the fiber front. I have started a couple of more projects. I have a Swallowtail Shawl in a very light purple-gray colorway in alpaca and silk, and I just started a top down hat in the orangy-brown color. I have to re-start the hat on smaller needles because I don't care for the way it is coming out. Pics to come when there's a little more to show.
On the fiber front. I have started a couple of more projects. I have a Swallowtail Shawl in a very light purple-gray colorway in alpaca and silk, and I just started a top down hat in the orangy-brown color. I have to re-start the hat on smaller needles because I don't care for the way it is coming out. Pics to come when there's a little more to show.