Hush-Hush Hootananny Swap

1. How long have you been spinning? What skill level do you consider yourself? About 8 months, so still learning.

2. What kinds of yarn do you create (singles/2-ply/3-ply/art yarn)? 2-ply and 3-ply right now, but I want to try some new creations.

3. What do you spin with (spindle/wheel/both)? I spin on my Ashford Kiwi wheel named Molly.

4. What are your favorite fibers to spin with? BFL of course, blended batts, and Merino are the current favs. Anything you don't like? Not yet.

5. Who are your favorite fiber sources (etsy or otherwise)? Crown Mountain Fibers, Butterflygirl Designs, and Dudlyspinner.

6. What kind of fiber do you want to try? Just about anything. The fun of being totally new at this.

7. Is there any techniques you would like to learn? Making different types of artyarn with beads or sequins added in.

8. Do you dye fiber? If not, would you like to learn? Sure I would love to learn.

9. Do you have fiber prep tools (and like to use them) or would you prefer ready to spin fiber? Not currently, but I could use some.

10. What do you do with your handspun? Spin it up and make something pretty out of it. What projects have you completed? a pair of fingerless gloves,the 2 hats (shown in the last post) and Branching Out, and currently starting a vest with a mixture of handspun and Kintpicks yarn.

11. Are you in need of any spinning gadgets (WPI Gauge, threading hook, etc)? Gadgets are always fun, but I have the basics.

12. What colors "fall into your shopping basket"? I tend to play with most colors, jewel tones, heathers, and fall shades are all good. Any colors you just can't stand? Anything pastel or brighter tones.

13. What is on your wheel/spindle right now? Some of the merino for the vest (I'll put a post up soon with that) and a stealth project that will eat me if I tell.

14. What other crafts/hobbies do you have? Knitting of course, can crochet, and gossiping.

15. Other than crafts, what are you passionate about? I love to read just about anything and educating the youth, so I don't have to be terrified of who will be in charge when I'm old - yeah right, I am already trembling:)

16. Do you have an online wishlist? Amazon

17. Is there anything that you collect? no

18. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? A Fine Fleece and books about different sheep wool. What magazine subscriptions do you have? Interweave Knitting

19. When is your birthday? July 28

20. What book or movie character do you most resemble in personality? Sandra Bullock's character in the Yaya Sisters. A little fly off the hand and then get things into perspective.

21. What is the climate like where you live around this time (need to know for careful shipments of anything meltable)? Summer, mostly hot and rainy lately.

22. Tell us one weird fact about yourself! I bowled a 300 game back in '97. Yes, bowling was an obsession and I was good at it.

favorite painting/picture(link): don't really have one

Candy: chocolate

Food: pizza

Drink: diet Pepsi, tea, and flavored coffees and cocoas

Movie(s): Sweet Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes

TV Show(s): Heroes, CSI

Book(s): any of the books by Laurell K. Hamilton and Kim Harrison mainly.

Guilty Pleasure(s): taking nap in the middle of the day - pretty simple kind of a girl.


bockstark.knits said…
WOW - a 300??? That's amazing! I would be very happy if I even got over 100.

Glad to have you as part of the HHHH!

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