
Showing posts from December, 2008

Knits and Spins 2008

Wow! There's a lot! Spinning just gets better! The newest photos are first down to the oldest.

Probably the Last FO 2008 edition!

Thanks for my friend Kara, I picture of these on. Laying flat just doesn't do them any justice! I have about 6 more onces of my corriedale to spin and I'll be finished spinning. I picked the Hooded Pullover from Vogue Fall of 2008. It must be a cable thing!

Year End or Near Enough to Count

I can't believe the year is near the end. 2 days to be exact! I started looking at my resolutions for this past year. Gosh do I suck at keeping resolutions! Plans for the first items knit of 2008 - 1. Secret project - What was this anyway? 2. Generic Socks - done 3. Hemlock Ring Blanket - done 4. Neck Warmer - done 3 out 4 done! No idea what the hell the secret project was. Anyone know? Yarn Diet: Knitting from stash - yeah right! Try in 2009! Need a better plan for sure! In addition to the fiber plans. I had few more plans that I wanted to try to work on this year. Here they were: 1. Work on my sewing techniques by making 2 outfits that fit well - 2 skirts are cut out. Note to self - make these for spring! 2. Spin more fiber - Now here's a task a really settled into. I would approximate that I have spun about 5 pounds of fiber for various reasons. Some for birthdays and becauses. I also made the following items out of my hand spun: fingerless gloves, 2 scarves, a vest, an ear ...

Harvest Mittens Finally!

I love these. Can I tell ya, these were not easy to do. If you read the previous post about these, you already know. Unfortunatley, the second mitt started out really fast. I was nearly half way through when I realize I did the exact same thing as the other. Well, at least I figured out how to fix it without going all the way back to the cuff. I just went down to the first bobble. This saved me about 8 additonal rows. Then, picked up and started from the leftside of the chart, and flipped the right and left crosses and off I went. The second one is the right mitt. It's much better then the first if you really look. I think they are just amazing either way. There is so much detail in the design that I did not notice until I was looking at them while they were drying. They are still a little wet in the picture. Here's the specs: Harvest Mittens (Vogue Knitting Fall 2008) size 8 dpn's Cascade 220 Heathers (I did not even use the whole skein) in a grey colorway Thanks for looki...

Merry Christmas!!


Update on WIP’s

As you can see the Noro scarf is still going. I decided that I wanted it to be narrower, so I restarted it. I am nearly through the first 2 balls and it’s about 3 feet. I just love watching the color changes, and it is great for TV. It’s mindless, just knit and purl, and repeat. Easy! I think it will nice and cozy to wrap around a couple of times. Harvest Mittens – One done, one to go! These are a wonderful to knit. I love the look of cables. This is my “sit down and knit” nice challenge to do. The first one fits great. I have a start on the second. Once I get past the cuff, then I only have cabling on the back. The pattern itself isn’t too bad. I am still working out the how to go left verses right. The bobbles were not bad at all to knit. Love the details! After I finish both and block them, I get a better picture of the cables with my hands in them.

Knit forward, Rip Back, Repeat

So, I have been working on the Harvest Mittens. I have the prettiest Cascade's charcoal grey that I am using. I started with 6's and made the cuff. We won't discuss how many rips that was. I tried it on and it was way too tight. I ripped it back and started on 7's. No, still too small. Rats!@! Okay, at least am getting some highly quality practice on cables. Restart on 8's. I got the right size finally! I knit the first bobble, and it turned out great. Problem, the bobbles line up on the outside of the back of the hand which was working okay, but unless I cut off my thumb and reattach by my pinky, this was not going to work. Why you ask, I am left-handed. I start charts on the left side instead of the right, but I forgot to flip the directions for the thumb gusset. Fortunately, not all is lost. I made a mistake at the beginning of the second chart that will now get fixed. Good thing Cascade is like iron!

Note to Self

Work on a pair of mittens! It cold outside!

Home Today!

Well what a morning. Sometime at 4:30ish the stupid cat decides that trying snack on the bird was a great idea. Crash! Of course. I rush upstairs and try to close of the office door because Skippy is out and the bird cage is in pieces. DD came in to help. I got a hold of Skippy, who was freaking out so badly she was nipping me every chance she got. I let go when she felt it necessary to sink her beak into my thumb. I let go and after a few more excruciating moments she did too! All of her blood feathers were gone from the trauma, so no flying, but she is a great escape artist – running is her specialty! After a few more minutes of bending pices and putting her cage back together, we finally managed to get her in her cage. I think she is fine. She is pretty pissy when you get by her cage.   Next check weather and school closings. No, I did not expect to be closed anyway. Started shower and Lawn Guy says never mind! You're kidding! After the snow chain, I decided to take a little nap...

Crappy Day

What can I say, the day started out crappy. It's never a good thing to watch the clock all night along, and keep getting up to let out dogs because they had a little too much rawhide. I get to work a half hour before a meeting. Print stuff, copy stuff, and off I go to said meeting. Long meeting over, and I run to reading class to try to teach. I do say try because that was about it. Anyway, I fell down the rabbit hole of extremely crabby when I yelled at one of mt students. Yes, the little darling is an pain in the arse, but somewhere its written down - I have never seen it, but I am sure it's there - making kids teary eyed because you're crabby is just not okay. Day continues on, and continues to be crappy. I should be writing the report from the meeting instead of complaining, but this is so much more productive.

Spinning to the Beat!

I bought this lovely Corriedale back at the beginning of September in order to work on a Spin-along with a group a ravelry. Needless to say I have been neglectful of the wool. I have been spinning, a lot of spinning with others. Now, I feel like I need to knuckle down and get going. I want to make the Braided Pullover from Interweave Fall 2008. It's prefect for the weight of the yarn that I am spinning. I have 2 pounds of this. Right now I have about 8 ounces spun. As you do the math, oh hell yeah I still have a ton to do! So, I need to put a plan into motion! I am shooting for 4 oz a day on the weekend and another 4 during the week. That's a total of 12 ounces a week. If I can mange that I should have everything spun in 2 weeks and plied in three. Then, I'll need to dye it and start in with the needles. I might be able to have this finish by the end of January!?!

Jumping on the Band Wagon TOO!

Like several of my knitter friends and Ravelry comrades! My version is with Noro Silk Garden colorways 279 and 282. Gotta keep clicking!