Year End or Near Enough to Count

I can't believe the year is near the end. 2 days to be exact! I started looking at my resolutions for this past year. Gosh do I suck at keeping resolutions!
Plans for the first items knit of 2008 -

1. Secret project - What was this anyway?
2. Generic Socks - done
3. Hemlock Ring Blanket - done
4. Neck Warmer - done

3 out 4 done! No idea what the hell the secret project was. Anyone know?

Yarn Diet: Knitting from stash - yeah right! Try in 2009! Need a better plan for sure!

In addition to the fiber plans. I had few more plans that I wanted to try to work on this year. Here they were:

1. Work on my sewing techniques by making 2 outfits that fit well - 2 skirts are cut out. Note to self - make these for spring!

2. Spin more fiber - Now here's a task a really settled into. I would approximate that I have spun about 5 pounds of fiber for various reasons. Some for birthdays and becauses. I also made the following items out of my hand spun: fingerless gloves, 2 scarves, a vest, an ear warmer, and 3 hats. I should finish spinning for a sweater before the ringing in of the new year.

3. Loose 25 pounds - a did loose some, about 10bls. Hmm next year more!

4. Save more money - it's hard to save money and have to buy a new truck at the same time.

5. Get Michael into something - anything!!!!! - Well does out of my house count?

6. Use my PDA to get more organized - uh, still working on this!

7. Use less sick days n(i.e. just cause it's going to be crappy day, go to work 'cause there are no subs anyway!!) - better, but not where it needs to be. Since start up of the new school year only 3 used!

So as you can see, some okay. At least I can say I did try. usually, I just make suggestions - sort of like saying I won't eat that piece of cheesecake! One other marked achievement is that I did more blogging this year. I nearly doubled the amount of post from last year.


Crafty and Crap said…
Secret project was Karen's blanket.... Mine didn't get stuck so well but i also didn't plan on a wedding this year :)

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