Knit forward, Rip Back, Repeat
So, I have been working on the Harvest Mittens. I have the prettiest Cascade's charcoal grey that I am using. I started with 6's and made the cuff. We won't discuss how many rips that was. I tried it on and it was way too tight. I ripped it back and started on 7's. No, still too small. Rats!@! Okay, at least am getting some highly quality practice on cables. Restart on 8's. I got the right size finally! I knit the first bobble, and it turned out great. Problem, the bobbles line up on the outside of the back of the hand which was working okay, but unless I cut off my thumb and reattach by my pinky, this was not going to work. Why you ask, I am left-handed. I start charts on the left side instead of the right, but I forgot to flip the directions for the thumb gusset. Fortunately, not all is lost. I made a mistake at the beginning of the second chart that will now get fixed. Good thing Cascade is like iron!