Weekend Update
Gotta love St. Louis! People in shorts and flip flops for most of the work week, and snow and cold for the weekend. Typical weather conditions. Since the weather was so gloomy I spent a great part of the weekend in a lot of pain. Quick weather changes makes my arthritis extremely bad, but yeah, I deal. I have been reading a lot lately. I go through these spots where I do a lot of one thing, and hardly anything else. Lately it's been reading. I got hooked on the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries by Charlene Harris. Great fluffy quick reads. I only have one left to read, and I am waiting for it to arrive in the library. Fortunately, I have a good selection of books at home that I haven't read either, so plenty to read. On the fiber front. I did manage to finish spinning Gypsy. This took along time since it's a 3 ply yarn. I am always amazed at the way fibers turn out. Here is an excellent example of how different a fiber can turn out. I love the way this turned out. I have a nice w...