
I can't believe its been so long since I posted. I have been busy at work and haven't done much in the way of fun. I found out I have to change jobs because the are eliminating my position. This sucks! I really my school and I have no idea where I'll end up. Of course this is Spring Break, so everyone is out of town and I won;t find out anything for more than a week. Its going to be along week. On the upside, at least I have a job!

On the knitting front. Ugh, more of the same. Lawn guy's sweater is coming along at a snail's pace. My entrelac scarf is going to be frogged. I just don't like the way I spun the yarn. Not my best. There are lots of places where the yarn is so much thinner that I am losing the density of the fabric. Oh well, this is life.

I did manage to spin up some lovely orange yarn that I am very pleased with. Socks, it will be.


CraftyGryphon said…
That *is* very lovely orange yarn.

I hope you'll be able to either stay at your school or be at one nearby!

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