Cold Days and Quick WIP's

The weekend was a prefect time to knit. I know there is grass already starting to turn green and a little bit of budding on the trees, but I was just pleased with staying in and knitting.

I started a Le' Slouch with my hand spun. I made it with the seed stitch pattern. It was a nice quick knit. I still had 1.5 oz of yarn still left, so I decided to see if I could make a simple pair of fingerless mitts out of the rest. Yeah I did. I think I have a few yards left over still. Nice! The gloves took no time at all. I actually knit the pair on Sunday. I love the way they fit. Nice and snug around my fingers and the cuff is at a good length.

Other than knitting, I have been reading up a storm. I am not a fast reader, but I have read a book in a day for the last three weekends. I am nearly finished with the Sookie Stackhouse books and I need to find something new to read. Ugh! That's not easy after reading one author for awhile.

Last but not least, take a look at this gorgeous fiber I got in the mail the other day. Time to play with the wheel!


CraftyGryphon said…
Wow, that tam looks great - I need to make one of those (someday, when I have time and less than 50 other projects started).

I really like the fiber you got. What's it going to be, or hasn't it told you yet?

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