More Than Half
That's kind of where I am in my knitting recently. I have spent a lot of time spinning lately and definitely not as much knitting. I would love to say I am a process kinda girl, but that would be a lie and lightening will strike! I do love the process, but I like the finished version much better. I have a hard time when I get near the end of any project knitting or spinning and I just want to see what it is really going to look like. Right now I have two things on my needles that are in that spot. One more so than the other because its a sock and its the second one. I had about 3 inches completed on Sunday and as of now the heel is turned and the gusset stitches are almost done. The other is a stole that I am working on for a dear couple's wedding. The wedding is not until October, but the pattern is so pretty I just keep knitting and knitting. I am half way done with it. Its turning out lovely, but I want to finish it before school starts up and life becomes busy again. I have...
(And yay, I'm not the only one who uses childrens' floor playmats as blocking surfaces!!)