Day one: Couch to 5K

Yep, I started. I have been running with Pepper during agility for months now, and keep saying how I need to go out and run on my own. Day 1 was today. Remind me next time to do it earlier in the morning. Augh, it was hot, but hey it went pretty well. I am using a running podcast to help with with the intervals because if I have to do the math, well, its just not going to happen. Anyhoo, I took Pepper with me, since he does so well on a leash. The only problem we encountered was the ducks. Pepper has never seen ducks and took a liking to one of them. For some reason the duck was a little offended that Pep would actually try to stiff it's head. It dived under the water, and I wasn't too sure there my dear old boy didn't try to take a bite. Fortunately, the duck just dove under the water and came up a little further way from the sidewalk squawking a bit. Not too bad overall. Tuesday will be day 2. More to come.


Shannon said…
Yay! You go! And definetely go in the early am, it is soo hot out there.

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