Birthday Plaids

Mindy's scarf

This is by far my best and most favorite scarf I have woven to date. This one was very special because it was made for one of my nearest and dearest friends, Mindy. Mindy loves bright colors like pink. She also has a hard time with sensitivity to different types of yarns. Hopefully she can wear this, and not itch. Iknow she loves it already. The color looks fantastic on her as well. The plaid wasn't really a plan more of, wow that's really cool looking.

The craft room is nearly completed. I just have a few things left to work on. Hopefully in the next week or so it will be complete.

Til' later.


Shannon said…
It looks awesome!! I love it.
Crafty and Crap said…
It is so awesome. I see it getting a ton of use this winter.

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