Chill in the Air Brings on the Need to Cook
Yeah, I do cook, but nothing I really have ever felt the need to blog about, but just had to share. Hubby and I were up and out of the house by 7:30 Saturday. Yes, it is the crack of morn' however, there was lots of the every day weekend stuff to do. Oil changes on both cars, groceries, ya know the usual.
Anyhoo, I read about some awesome sugar cookies that were on the Pioneer Woman's blog the other day, and they sounded yummy. I also had a taste for ham and bean soup with corn bread. You would swear I was raised in the south because southern cooking is my kind of food.

Now the problem is bean soup take ALL day to cook. Yep, on by 11:00 and we didn't eat til 8:00 at night. Like I said its an all day event.

Of course the cookies were an event all on there own. Holy crap! 2 sticks of butter, 1 cup canola oil, 1 cup of regular sugar and a cup of powdered sugar. Heart attack city, but OMG were they fantastic!

Cooking is a lonely job when it comes to do up the dishes.
Anyhoo, I read about some awesome sugar cookies that were on the Pioneer Woman's blog the other day, and they sounded yummy. I also had a taste for ham and bean soup with corn bread. You would swear I was raised in the south because southern cooking is my kind of food.
Now the problem is bean soup take ALL day to cook. Yep, on by 11:00 and we didn't eat til 8:00 at night. Like I said its an all day event.
Of course the cookies were an event all on there own. Holy crap! 2 sticks of butter, 1 cup canola oil, 1 cup of regular sugar and a cup of powdered sugar. Heart attack city, but OMG were they fantastic!
Cooking is a lonely job when it comes to do up the dishes.