Changing of the Seasons

I knew the change of seasons was coming soon because of the acorns. I have a very old oak tree in front of my house and every year it feeds an abundance of squirrels. Each year I can tell how the weather might be because of the amount of acorns left on the ground. The season change from summer to fall reminds of the changing of the guards. Its like there's someone new in town with an entirely new agenda. With the changing of the seasons, my own feelings of a need to change goes right along with it. I think part of it is going back to work because it makes the change more "now".

My knitting follows suit. I love sweaters! I am one of those people who is always cold. Today is in the 70's and I could put on a light jacket and feel oh so comfy!! I have been working on the brown sweater and the Kauni Rainbow Cardi for a few weeks. Like all knitters I am always surfing the net for the newest and coolest when I happened upon a KAL for this:

Isn't it beautiful? I like the gray, but I really like blue in place of the gray because I didn't want the Halloween sweater. Not that there is anything wrong with Halloween, but I didn't want a sweater that I felt I couldn't wear for a longer part of the year than just Halloween. So, I ordered the yarn and the pattern was free and I away I waited!

The cool weather today brings this for busy needles tomorrow!


Cindy said…
What a great pattern! I love it!

I'm certainly ready to leave "Summer of Socks" behind & knit more on other things. Even size 3 & 4 needles are going to seem big after working with mostly size 1 & 0.

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