What's on My Needles - the picture update

As you know I keeping promising pictures, but some how things just keep getting in the way. Cloudy days, sad days, and busy days. Progress reports are due this week, so I have been trying to catch up on grades and assessments. Anyway, this sounds like a lot of excuses and really boring, so on to the show!!

Yesterday I was at Folk Festival in Faust Park. I was there with the Knitting Guild and spent a good portion of 4 hours knitting on the Rainbow cardi. I mention that it seems to be taking a long time to feel like it is going somewhere. Of course it is a US 5 and it is color work. I know it will take time, I'm was just hoping that I can get it finish in order to where it for the season. That reminds me, today is the first day of Autumn - so cool!!

When I got home I started working on finishing the foot and toe of the Waving Lace socks. The first one is done and ohhh is it pretty!!

Lastly, the brown sweater has the finishing done on the front, one sleeve, and the start of the second sleeve. I really love this sweater. It really reminds me of fall. The picture doesn't due justice for the color. There are lots of different colors of browns in it. It does have some blues and green but they really look murky in natural light.

So that's the update. What's on your plate?


Crafty and Crap said…
My plate:
Hedera Sock two
Basketcase Socks for Boo
Things that should be repicked up
Bright green Cable Scarf
Feather and Fan Pink Scarf
Red Scarf Project
Thing that should be started
Bright Green Cable Hat
My So Called Scarf Present
Hat for Boo
Second Monkey Sock
something with my own dyed striped sock yarn
nicole said…
I'm finishing up my INdigo Ripples skirt and have started a scarf for the Plucky Knitter. I really need to cast on some socks -- I haven't had any on the needles for a few weeks now. By the way, I'm loving your Kauni cardigan. So pretty.
Cindy said…
Well, I'm finally getting back to things that aren't socks. Even a size 3 feels huge after months of working on 1's & 0's!

I have entirely too many WIPs that really have been more in hibernation than anything else during the Summer of Socks thing. I'm slowly trying to get more of them into Ravelry, but they aren't all there yet.

I agree with Nicole. Your Kauni is very pretty! I'd be really tempted to start one myself, except that I have too much stash & too much already on the needles.

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