Don't Knit Lace When You're Pissed

Let me just say for the record my MS3 hit the trash can today. I was working on chart 5 starting the wing. Now I knit left handed, so I have to be careful that when I am knitting that it makes sense. I started the chart, finished 50 rows and realized that I have knitted the whole chart backwards. Ideally I just start from the left side of the chart and everything works out fine. Not so much when I started this section because the pattern curves using short rows. Not realizing it soon enough I needed to frog the section. problem 1 - no life line, problem 2 - argument between son and husband, problem 3 - too many dropped stitches making the whole thing a complete mess!! Problem 4 and solution - screw the whole thing. Sigh..... Oh well, it not like its life and death situation and besides there are way to many other beautiful things to knit.


Annie said…
Augh! You didn't really throw it away, did you?! Let us try to pick up the stitches and get it on track! All that work!

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