What can I say, the day started out crappy. It's never a good thing to watch the clock all night along, and keep getting up to let out dogs because they had a little too much rawhide. I get to work a half hour before a meeting. Print stuff, copy stuff, and off I go to said meeting. Long meeting over, and I run to reading class to try to teach. I do say try because that was about it. Anyway, I fell down the rabbit hole of extremely crabby when I yelled at one of mt students. Yes, the little darling is an pain in the arse, but somewhere its written down - I have never seen it, but I am sure it's there - making kids teary eyed because you're crabby is just not okay. Day continues on, and continues to be crappy. I should be writing the report from the meeting instead of complaining, but this is so much more productive.